Where do you ship and how long does it take?

We ship to most of the world!

United States: Standard 7-15 - Express 4-10

Canada: Standard 8-14 - Express: 5-12

Europe: Standard 5-13 - Express 4-10

Please contact us to know shipping times for your country. 

Is shipping free?

Standard shipping is free!
Express shipping is available which puts your order as a priority. (Note: Delivery times may depend on external factors)
All orders have package tracking available.

What's in my order?

Instructions and LEGO compatible pieces are included with your order.
If any expected items are missing don't hesitate to contact us.

How do I get a refund?

You have 30 days after receiving an item to start a refund.
Contact us to request a refund and we will guide you through our process! We give refunds 98% of the time! (Include your order number, reason for return and supporting documents)